WE Health Clinic has certified MNsure Navigators ready to assist you by answering your questions and by helping you with your application, follow-ups, and renewals.
If you have questions, please call 218-727-3352 and request to speak with an MNsure Navigator, or to make an appointment to meet with a Navigator.
Navigator assistance is FREE!
What is MNsure?
MNsure is not an insurance company. MNsure is an online marketplace/tool where Minnesotans can find, compare, and enroll in health coverage plans, and is where to go to determine eligibility for Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare.
If you do not qualify for Medical Assistance, or MinnesotaCare, you may qualify for an Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) to use on a Qualified Health Plan (QHP). This is a tax credit to help individuals afford health insurance coverage purchased only through the MNsure marketplace (QHPs) with reduced monthly health insurance premiums.
A Cost Sharing Reduction is a discount that lowers the amount you have to pay out-of-pocket for deductibles, co-insurance and co-payments. You may be eligible for cost sharing reduction if:
- You get health insurance through MNsure.
- You are income eligible.
- You choose a health plan from the Silver plan category.
Federally recognized tribal members may qualify for additional cost sharing benefits.
View MNsure’s Income Guidelines Chart to check your income eligibility.
When Can I enroll?
Minnesota Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare, and Native American enrollments are open year round.
For those who qualify for a QHP Minnesota Open Enrollment takes place in late fall/early winter each year. Visit the MNsure website for more information on Open Enrollment dates.
Outside of Open Enrollment, Special Enrollment is available to those individuals with a qualifying life event. Visit the MNsure website for more information on qualifying life events.
WE Health Clinic is part of the MNsure Navigator Coalition InsureDuluth.
Other InsureDuluth partners offering FREE MNsure Navigator help:
- Lake Superior Community Health Center – 218-722-9650
- Community Action Duluth – 218-726-1665
- Generations Health Care Initiatives – 218-336-5709
What to bring to your appointment:
- MNsure Account Username and Password. If you have already created an account and you do not remember your username and password, please call the MNsure Contact Center at 1-855-3-MNSURE (855-366-7873) before your appointment with a WE Health Clinic Navigator, to retrieve your Username and be given a temporary Password. Your new temporary password will only be good for 24 hours.
- Household Income Information. A household is everyone who files taxes together. An estimate of your household’s gross income (before taxes) from all sources. Bring your last year’s Federal 1040 tax form if available.
- Social Security numbers and birth dates for all household members.
- Insurance information, including Employer Sponsored Insurance from you or your spouse’s employer, whether you accept it or not.
If you have access to Employer Sponsored Insurance, you or your employer may fill out MNsure’s Appendix A. Please bring this completed form with you to your appointment.